font line height
font line height

Traditionally,inmetaltype,lineheightwasthecombinedmeasurementofthefontsizeandthestripsofleadthatwereinsertedbetweeneachrowoftype.For ...,Thepurposeoftheline-heightistodefineareadablelinespacingforyourtext.Becausereadibilityisdependentuponthesizeo...

Understanding typography: Leading or line-height

Linelength–Theoptimallinelengthforthebodycopyisconsideredtobearound60–70characters.Butwhenthelinelength(ortextcolumnwidth)increasesway ...

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Choosing a suitable line height

Traditionally, in metal type, line height was the combined measurement of the font size and the strips of lead that were inserted between each row of type. For ...

CSS line-height

The purpose of the line-height is to define a readable line spacing for your text. Because readibility is dependent upon the size of the text, it is recommended ...

CSS line

The line-height property specifies the height of a line. Note ... A number that will be multiplied with the current font-size to set the line height, Demo ❯.

CSS 教學– 基本文字設定: font-size 與line-height

首先在<body> 設定文字大小為20px,<h1>是用百分比來做設定,而<h2>則是用「em」這個單位。

Line Height

It's important to note that by default, Tailwind's font-size utilities each set their own default line-height. This means that any time you use a responsive ...

line-height - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

2023年7月7日 — The line-height CSS property sets the height of a line box. It's commonly used to set the distance between lines of text.

Understanding typography: Leading or line-height

Line length– The optimal line length for the body copy is considered to be around 60–70 characters. But when the line length(or text column width) increases way ...

深入CSS 之line

2010年9月1日 — 舉例來說,假設我的行高跟字型大小這麼寫: font-size:12px; line-height:16px; ,可以看出他們的行間距差了4px,接著box model 會把這4px 除以2,也就是4 ...

話說line-height 是什麼呢?

Tells user agents to set the used value to a reasonable value based on the font of the element. The value has the same meaning as . We recommend a used value ...


Traditionally,inmetaltype,lineheightwasthecombinedmeasurementofthefontsizeandthestripsofleadthatwereinsertedbetweeneachrowoftype.For ...,Thepurposeoftheline-heightistodefineareadablelinespacingforyourtext.Becausereadibilityisdependentuponthesizeofthetext,itisrecommended ...,Theline-heightpropertyspecifiestheheightofaline.Note...Anumberthatwillbemultipliedwiththecurrentfont-sizetosetthelineheig...